Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Toasted Tuesday

I wasn't going to write this, but I decided it was too strange to pass up. I realize that we are all in college (or if your an alum you've been through it). That being said a lot of you have probably tried marijuana before. I have many times (I don't want to sound like a complete stoner. I'm not really sure what defines being a "stoner." Like more than once a week? Then I'm not.) Don't be ashamed of yourself, it is a natural plant that can really take the edge off a stressful time (like finals week). So last night I had some weird experiences that I have never encountered before. Maybe it was really good weed or maybe my mind was just wondering. So after I smoked I proceeded to watch all of Pink Floyd's The Wall movie off google videos. I was amazed. Then I vaped again, this is when weird things started happening.
When I get high I drink a lot of water. I mean I probably filled my water bottle up around 8 times last night.  This meant that I also had to pee a lot. During a trip to the restroom I had a few strange experiences. I walked into the bathroom and there was this kid shaving. His face was so close to the mirror I thought his head was going into the mirror. I couldn't figure out where his face ended and the mirror began. I hope I didn't stare, that would have been awkward. All of a sudden I noticed the drain in the floor. I thought that it was a sink hole and I was being sucked into it. Then I thought the kid shaving was getting sucked into the mirror. It was happening, and I had to get out. I could not be a witness to what surely must have been a tragic, and bloody, event. Tingles went up my spine and I quickly finished peeing and got the hell out of there. On the way back to my room I couldn't help but feel bad for that poor soul who got sucked into the mirror.
I returned to my room to watch some videos on youtube. I found the entire PULSE concert by Pink Floyd. I was enthralled, simply amazed at the band's musicianship. It was around this time I texted my older brother in California "Dude, I totally get why you dig Neil (musician Neil Young) so much. Floyd too, so sick! You prophesized what music I like before I understood." I shut my eyes and listened to the music. Then it happened again. My laptop began trying to suck me through the screen, it was terrifying. I slammed it shut and proclaimed to William Takefield that computers are evil devices and that the aliens had a plan for us all. I grabbed my ipod, listened to some UYD and played solitaire, which I am awesome at.

Stay classy, not UMassy.


  1. Are you sure you didn't eat mushrooms or some LSD

  2. i think you've officially lost control... now if you had balls you'd do it again and google search "harlequin fetus"... that is if you can sit infront of your laptop long enough to search that without getting sucked into the screen.

  3. stephenson billings may be on to something...this sounds like the work of the devil

  4. I know what you mean man. I once smoked Indian Kush, and was sitting outside on my porch, and I swear I died. I literally felt like every atom of my body was being pulled apart. Don't feel strange, weed does crazy things. And good weed does even crazier things.

  5. Dude you smoked weed you didn't drop acid. It's stories like that that make me wish I didn't smoke weed. What are you 14? I like the site but only a virgin smoker has stories like that.

