Monday, January 11, 2010

UNH Study: No correlation between Social Networking and Sleep

Newswise — "How much sleep college students get each night is not affected by how much time they spend using Facebook and other social media, according to new research from the University of New Hampshire.
The study indicates that using social media is hardly what keeps students up at night,” said UNH adjunct professor Chuck Martin, whose marketing research class conducted the study. “Using Facebook, and to a lesser degree YouTube, blogs or Twitter, do not appear to have any impact on how much or how little students sleep.” (Read entire article here.) 

This seems like a pretty interesting study, but I find it strange I was never polled during the research, I mean I am the premier campus blogger. That being said I still agree with the results. I spend a lot of time on various social networking sites (for my personal and blog use) and I still get plenty of sleep. What this study fails to answer is what is keeping these students up all night. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, and this is college right? There are many different factors that keep students up into the wee morning hours such as studying, homework, reading, drinking, TV, movies, taxi driving and video games. Apart from finals weeks I bet video games are the real kicker. Anyone who has ever played the new Call of Duty games can attest to that. I don't have Xbox 360 or and fancy video game system, but I understand how addicting they can be.

Stay classy, not UMassy.

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