Thursday, May 13, 2010

DHOP Music Video

Okay so last week I attended the screening of the DHOP movie. I was waiting to write about it because I was hoping that it would be posted on youtube or something but since it is 22 minutes long I don't think that will happen. I was in the back of the shop and it was pretty loud so I couldn't hear a lot of the interviews. It started out with some quick interviews with shop owner Steve and then the fun began with the drunken students. There were some great lines but I think "Durham without DHOP would be like Gotham without Batman" was the best.

Speaking of DHOP movies I stumbled across this one yesterday. This is either the greatest piece of satire ever, or just a really poorly made rap. Either way I was laughing so hard when I watched it last night.

I think it is safe to say that it doesn't quite live up to "Party at UNH" or "In the MUB," which I finally found on youtube as well:

Have a good finals week UNH.

Stay classy, not UMassy.


  1. ummmm did freshmens make the DHOP video???

  2. That DHOP music video is worse than CampCo pizza.

  3. Yes, I am told it was made by freshmen. And yes, it is terrible... or great satire! I love the chorus haha.

  4. Well then,

    I am aware that this isn't the greatest, however it did score me a hundred for my final project..

    haha, I'll take it.


    All the videos are still better than this crap.

  6. Ahhhh....white boy rap - so bad it's funny :)

  7. I thought the part when these little freshmen didn't know the difference between lines of coke and crack was utterly heart-warming...

    ...clever or clueless?

  8. I thought this was the greatest song I've ever heard in my life. Colby, way to go kid, you'll have a record deal in no time with those rhymes.

  9. i think this tops them all
