Monday, April 19, 2010

This Is Truly Nonsensical

I hardly ever get to sleep anymore, so when I do, I really try to cherish it. I got to bed around 3pm the last three nights for various reasons. Exhausted is an understatement. It isn't easy being a second semester senior with five classes, several extra curricular activities, while looking for a job, and helping maintain the lightning rod of controversy that is this blog. I need my sleep.

Now, UNH has been in the schooling business for quite sometime now and they must realize that there are students who are in similar, if not more stressful, situations in regards to sleep. Ever since our semesters have been shortened, the work load is much more dense. (I am just a lowly communication major and I've noticed this. If you're a bio-chem or an engineering major and you're reading this, I am honored you are spending your free time here. How are you not passing out due to fatigue?)

The last two weekdays, I have been awoken to the sound of incessant, mono-tonal beeping. You know the sound a truck makes when they are backing up? Think of that, but more grating and without a consistent pattern. It would better if the pattern was steady so it could lull me back into a coma, but there's no way I can fall asleep to it, even with my windows shut. This has been starting at 7:30 in the morning. 7:30 in the morning! I didn't even know there was a 7:30 in the morning! Why would an academic institution such as UNH hire construction workers to work on the side of The MUB at 7:30 in the fucking morning?!?! This is boggling my mind!

There's a cherry picker parked by the entrance facing my dorm room window for the past few days. At some point in the morning, these two guys drive to our previously peaceful campus and then proceed to fuck it up. They start moving the cherry picker all over the place which makes that beeping noise. Once they feel that they have annoyed and awoken a sufficient amount of students, they pull out these metal brick cleaning guns and go to town on the walls just to make sure to get all the rest of the unfortunate souls out of bed. These guns sound like mini-jackhammers or a bunch of woodpeckers on PCP. What is going on is some sort of brick grinding process that cleans the white spaces in-between. I'd understand the reasoning for this noise if the MUB were falling down, but this is for vanity purposes only. I got four hours of sleep last night thanks to UNH wanting to look good.

Some residents of Mills, Fairchild, Hunter, Hitchcock, Devine and a few more buildings have been woken up by this unnecessary racket. I am probably more cranky than I should be since I am woefully tired, but this is bullshit.

I have been here for four years now, and this is actually not the first time this has happened. For a few days, while living in Jessie Doe as a sophomore, a bunch of leaf blowers went to town right outside of my window at approximately 8 in the morning. I had class at 2pm. There was no reason for me to get up that early. Benjamin Thompson wouldn't even get up that early if he had nothing to do until 2. Did the leaves really need to be taken care of that early? I'm sure the poor bastard who dealt with me yelling at him with my shirt off through my open window didn't want to get up that early. Why make him deal with my abuse or a shirtless version of me (which is another form of abuse)?

I don't think the bricks are going anywhere. Why don't you wait until all of us are off campus before you start cleaning them next time, okay? God damn, I'm cranky...


  1. Come on, now. This is irrational and you know it. You have no reason to be upset at them. The construction workers and grounds crew have a job to do. It's not their fault that you go to bed so late. It's not like they choose to have the machines they're required to use be so noisy. Unfortunately for you, morning when when work begins for most people. Get over it, it's not the end of the world.

  2. I know they aren't freelance construction workers and were hired. I agree, they have a job to do and they didn't decide to come here. They were hired. I said that. That implies that it wasn't their fault. Aren't you glad I'm here to make these very simple connections for you?

  3. dorm quite hours go to like 8 or 9 a.m. or what ever so should outside noises

  4. My point was that they need to start work at a reasonable hour. I'm sure the university has its reasons for needing the work done at this point in time. You shouldn't get in a huff just because the university's life starts earlier than yours.

    At any rate, I wouldn't have bothered to write back--being content that we agree to disagree. However, I find your "connections" comment to be pompous and rude. There's no reason for you to belittle my criticism. I'm not sure why you felt the need to insinuate that I'm unintelligent. I hope your little jab has made you feel better about yourself; maybe you'll sleep better now!

  5. Well it seems like we both had unclear points. Would you like some ice cream or a beer or something?

  6. I agree. They need to start later. I haven't had the problem of the brick cleaning.. but living on Main Street, I get the problem of construction for those new apartments they're building near Wings.
    Fucking blows to hear a constant, uneven hammering at 8:30 in the morning.

  7. Haha i feel your pain. I am a night owl, live right across from wings, and wake up to construction every morning. For the first semester jack hammering started at 7 and would end by 4 (most of the time, sometimes later). And they started doing it on saturdays sometimes as well. I got a break for a little bit in the winter, now the windows are open and i am woken up at 7am again after going to bed at 3 earliest. Got to love it

  8. Hey Corey here’s some news to cheer you up (not):
    “Beginning April 19th through April 30th the UNH Water Dept. will be exercising valves during normal working hours (7am-4:30pm) Mon-Fri.”
    And that’s not all…
    “Beginning May 3rd –May May 14th [Typo, nice job UNH] the UNH Water Dept. will be flushing hydrants from 2100 [9:00PM, for everyone who’s not in ROTC] to 0700 [7:00AM] Mon night to Fri morning.
    These actions may cause discolored water. If so please run you [another typo by UNH] until it clears.
    Questions: please contact Wesley East at [603] 862-1390 or Mike Lynch [603] 868-5578.”
    So what do I do if the discolored water is in the washing machine and I can’t tell until my whites come out? :( And why can’t a University I pay over twenty grand a year to go to use correct grammar?!

    Oh and shout to a fellow night owl! (OvO)

    As for me, well I feel everyone's pain, but I'm a painfully deep sleeper when I finally crash and have only been woken up once thankfully.

  9. You are said you've been going to bed at 3pm rather than saying 3am....I would be cranky too :)
