By: The New Hampshirite
So apparently the Durham Fire Department decided to pull the permit (full article) for the Womyn's group who had planned to burn porn. You see it is illegal to burn household waste and the group didn't know that law. On the bright side, they won't have to plant any trees to "make up for the pollution" (you know because that would have totally balanced things out, that's how environment works, der! ) The womyn's club still plans to hold a demonstration during the same time (noon to 3) on the Great Lawn in front of Murkland Hall on Thursday. Now, a lot has been said in the comments section (some were overly derogatory, remember the comments do not represent the members of this blog) on my earlier post regarding this subject. While I don't believe that pornography has "ruined humanity" I completely understand that some of it (child, rape, drug induced) is terrible and needs to be stopped. The main problem I really had with this was the burning on school grounds and now that the burning won't happen I really don't have too much to say on the subject. There are just as many women with strange fetishes as men and I am not here to judge. Honestly, I don't think that "regular" and legal pornography has anything to do with gender equality. If both sides are enjoying what they do, how are we allowed to say that it is wrong, degrading or immoral?
Stay classy, not UMassy.
PS: posting links to bias articles and websites isn't very persuasive. As a history major determining a bias viewpoint in an article is pretty important and some of those links (for both sides of the argument) were ridiculous.
ahhahaahahhhahhahahhhhhahhahahhaha. i knew smokey the bear would not approve.
ReplyDeletesee karma, there are better ways to get this point across.
btw, I watched the videos you guys posted and was moved. I do understand better but still think there are other factors within this controversy and the situation is one big epidemic mofo that neither myself or the UNH community can make a SIGNIFICANT impact on. Again, there are better ways to go about this that everyone in the whole UNH community can comprehend the true PURPOSE behind this event, burning porn does not reveal that and again creates negative attention. Make a good name for yourself Womyn.
Thanks for all the comments everyone! You're welcome Womyn group for all the exposure.
the link showing a direct relationship between women's rights and sustainability is from the UN website. and obviously the others were biased - they were meant to be - they are speeches and lyrics written by women who have either experienced violence or heard stories from other women. i am trying to show you articles that I find powerful and that maybe other men and women will read and perhaps relate to or empathize with. I would prefer you to think for yourself - though i personally think there really isn't even an argument to be made against our stance. while the main purpose of the event is to bring attention to violence against women i think there are much more heavy underlying issues here - and other, "less harmful" forms of pornography, and even magazines, (for instance cosmopolitan) are part of the bigger issue. we live in capitalist society where the plutocrats are more concerned with their own profit than the benefits of the people. the media has completely distorted our image of beauty so that we will continue to consume and support the same big companies that support the plutocrats. these same companies are the ones that keep so many small, local businesses OUT of business - further damaging communities everywhere and perpetuating the problem of consumption. the success of these large companies also depends largely upon the exploitation of the environment, peoples and communities around the world. And how else do they make such huge profits while managing withIN the US? well for one - women earn $8 for every $10 that men earn. while the median household income for whites was about $55,000 in 2008, it was about $38,000 for Hispanics $34,000 for blacks. this income inequality is further perpetuated by unequal opportunities in education and even a physical divide of location of jobs and the location of affordable living, among many other things. when women find it difficult to live or support their children while making minimum wage, they often times have no other opportunity except to use their body.
ReplyDeletethis issue goes above and beyond pornography but it is all related the the womyns club is trying to bring attention to and promote to awareness of each and every one of these issues. i apologize that this was not clear to some of you and I thank you for your honesty and especially to those who articulated their opinions in a respectful manner. I really hope to see some of you, whether or not you agree with everything or anything we have to say, in fact I strongly encourage those with opposing viewpoints to come and join the conversation. I think this could be a really positive event and even if it is just effective on a small scale, or helpful to just a few women or men, I will be extremely happy.
shut up