Thursday, April 29, 2010

We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.

Well UNH, it looks as though we have quite the weekend ahead of us. We are in the prime of our life so I recommend getting your homework done early and to plan for the weekend wars.

Friday afternoon will probably rival 4/20 for students on this campus, due to the MGMT show that night. The audience will dance until the heart explodes and it’ll make the Field House ignite. Just don't get mad at the walls. It is going to be a warm and sunny day so hippies will be in full force playing frisbee on any piece of green grass they can find. Speaking of 4/20, I was very surprised to see that only three people showed up in the UNH police logs for possession of a controlled drug. I was expecting much higher figures. Let's face it, the youth is starting to change. Following that concert people will be swarming downtown for some food, because the munchies will be unbearable. I am not telling people to smoke, do what you feel now, control yourself and take only what you need. 

On Saturday there will be the inaugural May Day carnival in C-Lot. It is going to have everything from circus rides to games and food. Even Kurt will be there. Between that and it being my roommate's birthday, Saturday should prove to be a day-drinking-day. There's no secrets to decode, I really think that this May Day carnival could be a lot of fun and hopefully it will grow in the upcoming years.

Sunday there will be a campus wide "beer" pong tournament in the Field House. Check out the facebook event page if you are interested. Out of fairness to other students I will not be in attendance as to not ruin the event through total domination. It may feel like someone's missing, but I will be there in spirit.

Stay classy, not UMassy.


  1. I've been following MGMT's recent shows online... if you're looking for a show full of upbeat poppy tunes like "Kids," "Time to pretend," and "Electric Feel" you'll probably be upset at this show. Just read the review from the yale show - everyone was not so content on their performance.

    Personally, I love the new album. But I hope all the bros that bought tickets just because it's the spring climax leave so I can enjoy the show

  2. I agree, as good as those songs are I like their lesser known stuff just as much, if not more. "Weekend Wars," "The Handshake" and "Of Birds, Moons and Monsters" are probably three of my favorite songs off their first album. I really like how they went in that direction with "congratulations."

  3. Their SNL performance was awful. They're legit on drugs. Way to go UNH.

  4. WHAT!?!? A musician was on drugs!?! What is the world coming to?

  5. Alcohol is a drug. They didn't book sam adams because of SoCo. Yet as MGMT sings about heroin in their songs and clearly they looks like they're on it too. Again, woo UNH.

  6. There is a difference, the MGMT show isn't sponsored by heroin. Stoolapalooza is sponsored by SoCo and it is a UNH/MUB policy to not allow alcohol sponsored events on campus. I agree that it was stupid for them to kick stoolapalooza out, but you're making ridiculous claims and comparisons. If you're going to go there, Sam Adams constantly sings and "tweets" about smoking weed.

  7. tell em hampshirite!

  8. Sounds like such a fun weekend - hope you had a good one :)
