Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shameless Plug: Final Sketched Out Show

Hello everybody,
As most of you are aware (and if your name is Geoff Cunningham, you have been constantly reminding me of this fact on a daily basis), I, and my fellow seniors, are graduating in a few short days. It’s been an interesting journey and I can’t believe it’s almost over. I feel like I moved in to Williamson yesterday and now I am packing up all my belongings in cheap, plastic tubs and getting ready to head out into the real world (which I hear is wonderful!)
Now, technically, I am a Communcation major, but in reality my major was Sketched Out. I spent most of my time out of the classroom (and sometimes, even in the classroom) doing things related to the comedy troupe I helped to found when I was youngin’. It is rewarding work and all the headaches were worth it. I made tons of life-long friends because of Sketched Out Comedy Troupe, and I have been laughing all along the way. My college experience has been so great because every day, even when I was at my most reclusive and upset, I was still able to find time to laugh and, as the ol’ adage goes, “a day without laughter is wasted.”
Since I am graduating in the very near future, this last Sketched Out show will be my last ever as a regular cast member, and depending on how my life plays out, last show ever period. It is with a heavy heart that I leave what I, and Kevin helped create. We know that the future will bode bright things and there tons of great kids still in the group that will do more than an outstanding job as torch carriers.
With that being said, I want to take this time to invite and remind all of you of our last show of the season tomorrow. There are going to be some old classics thrown into the mix, an assortment of characters that haven’t appeared in a while, and more hilarity which is what our loyal fans have come to expect of us. From a selfish standpoint, I am glad that this show will be our last since I feel it is one of our strongest to date.
So, my dear friend, if you haven’t found the time to attend one of our shows, this one is as good as any and you’ll finally see what I constantly talk about so often. Finally, if you’re one of those people who has attended shows regularly, or heck, even once, thank you so much for your support. This couldn’t have gone anywhere with you all. I am forever grateful.
Friday. May 14th. Strafford Room. 8pm. Free. As hell. Stop by!


1 comment:

  1. I don't live in the area, but I wish you all the best with your final show :)
