Monday, March 22, 2010

Drinking Games

Rusty's post from Saturday got me really excited for the final countdown of weekends at UNH before summer break. It has inspired me to share some of my all-time favorite drinking games. For the most part these are all pretty well known games, but true classics are classics for a reason. Because they're awesome and they make getting drunk even more awesome and fun. By the way, I am listening to MGMT's new album on NPR as I write this, so if you're a fan of the band I recommend you check out that last link. So, in no specific order, just the order I think of them, I give you The New Hampshirite's personal favorite drinking games:

  • Beirut- That's right. It is a classic, simple and results in a great level of drunkitude. Shoot the ping pong ball into the bowling pin-arranged cups and watch your opponent get sloshed. Just be warned, they call me Ray Allen for a reason. Clutch.
  • Beer Pong- often confused with Beirut, beer pong is actually a game played with paddles on a real ping-pong table. In beer pong there is a cup of beer at each of the 4 corners of the table, every point you opponent gets you take a sip and if the ball lands in a cup you must finish it. This game can be seen in Beerfest. 
  • Kings- A great card game where the cards are arranged face-down in a circle around a center cup. Each player pulls a card and must do what ever rule is assigned to that card. There are many different rules and ways to play so I won't go into detail for each card. The cup in the middle can be an empty solo cup that is filled with a combination of each players drink and is drank by the person who pulls the 4th king. The center cup can also be a beer can and each card pulled is put under the tab. Whose ever card opens the beer must drink it.
  • Apples to Apples- Not necessarily a drinking game but it can easily be turned into one. This is a lot of fun and easy and it doesn't get too difficult as your level of intoxication increases. It does require specific playing cards so that is one downfall of the game.
  • Dringa- Take each block from a Jenga set and write a rule on it, many rules can be similar to kings or even more bizarre. My personal favorites include acting out a movie scene or singing a verse from a '90's one hit wonder. Whoever knocks over the tower must finish his or her drink and rebuild it. Difficulty greatly increases after a few drinks.
  • Drink the Beer- Drink the beer and you win another beer!
  • Movie drinking- pick a favorite movie and enforce a sip whenever certain words are said. Real troopers like "fuck" in The Departed or "man/dude" from The Big Lebowski. (And smoke a J every time the Dude does.)
  • Fuck the dealer- This is a game where you guess the next card in the deck. As the game goes on, the dealer gets fucked. High levels of intoxication are reached. Very similar to another favorite, Up the River (some call it down the river).
  • Darts- playing darts is awesome, drink casually or make up your own rules.
  • Polish horseshoes- An outdoor game where a beer bottle is placed on top of a ski pole (or stick) in the ground. There are two sides, each with a pole/bottle, and the teams take turns trying to knock the bottle off with a frisbee. 
  • Horseballs- also called ladderball, is another outdoor game. Kind of hard to explain, but easy to play. (PS I don't recommend looking up videos of "horseballs.")
  • Other simple/common games: quarters, spoons, asshole, baseball...
I know there are a bunch more that I like, but I can't think of them all/I need to go to class, so comment below some of your favorite games. (Hmm, kind of ironic I can't remember some drinking games, huh?)

Also it has been brought to my attention that there is a new UNH blog in town... or online... called unschool UNH. It appears to be a liberal activist/sustainable-community-oriented sort of blog and since they link to me I have decided to return the favor.

Stay classy, not UMassy.


  1. Hey it's the kid from NY. Im a big fan of survivor flip cup.

  2. Boccini was designed to bring hard pounding excitement back into your life. We took a great game, breathed some life into it, and created a competitive, exciting new game. Boccini is a great game that has been gaining in popularity throughout the United States. Colleges across the country are dropping their beer pong balls and picking up our customized Boccini Balls. Check out our website:
