Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm Famous!

Thanks to all my awesome readers the blog is starting to get some publicity. In today's issue of The New Hampshire, UNH's one and only student newspaper, I got a little attention:

"Thumbs up to the anonymous blogger calling himself "The New Hampshirite." We may not agree on everything he says, but he's a kick to read. Check it out,"

... now if TNH will only write the story "Who Is The New Hampshirite?"

Seriously though, thanks, TNH, you guys are awesome! It is a true honor to receive a "Thumbs Up" along side the likes of a Kanye West joke on South Park. Also, I have recorded my page view counter and I will have a report soon to see if there is such a thing as the "TNH Bump." Just how comparable is our student paper to  Stephen Colbert? Only time will tell.

Stay classy, not Umassy.

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